The grossest Monuments in the world 2
Travelling to see landmarks you only seen from a distance or heard about from a friend, bringing back priceless memories of a good time, can be tons of fun, and for sure very exciting to a great extent. But before you decide to pull the trigger on where to go, or if those landmarks are right for you and will excite the same amount of joy in you as they did your friend or relative, here is a list of places around the world we think you should stay away from.

Karni Mata Rat Temple, India:
India is home to some very interesting landmarks, some of which are known around the world. But there is one little known temple that promises to churn your stomach. Near Bikaner Rajasthan in India, people travel from afar to the Karni Mata temple to pay their respects to the Kabbas, which are around 25000 black rats.
When you hear the name Karni Mata rat temple, what should run through your mind are scenes from a horror movie, thousands of rats running around inside the halls of a temple, where you are not allowed to wear shoes. Think of all that entails, no pun intended. All the germy goodness, that the holy rats dragged around, and it is not uncommon for the critters to run over your feet. rats , rats and more rats, in every corner
CBGB club toilets, New York City:
Originally opened as a Country, BlueGrass, and Blues club in the 1970s, the club has since turned into a watering hole for the punk rock scene before becoming known nowadays for its extra revolting bathrooms. The club closed officially in 2006. If you happen to make it to where you can see it, one thing is sure. you might be able to wash off the disgust, but not the images in your mind.