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The grossest monuments in the world 1

Travelling to see landmarks you only seen from a distance or heard about from a friend, bringing back priceless memories of a good time, can be tons of fun, and for sure very exciting to a great extent. But before you decide to pull the trigger on where to go, or if those landmarks are right for you and will excite the same amount of joy in you as they did your friend or relative, here is a list of places around the world we think you should stay away from.

Wall of Gum

Blarney Stone, Ireland:

Ireland is a very exciting destination, every year millions back their bags, some to explore the land of their ancestors, but most to just enjoy the natural beauty, and the history of this small country. For some of those visitors, the itinerary involve visiting Cork city, more specifically Blarney, where tourists climb up to the top of Blarney castle, bend over backwards and kiss Blarney Stone. This rite supposedly grants you the gift of eloquence, but is it really worth it? Placing your lips where millions have through the years visibly worn a spot in the stone is the question. Don't think so, and probably, neither do you...If you happen to climb up to the top of the castle, the views are wonderful, make sure you enjoy them.

Blarney castle, where Blarney Stone is located

Seattle's Gum Wall:

In the celebrated Pike Place Market, Seattle's Gum wall, offers a visual of a half chewed colorful gum tapestry on a brick wall. If you have no issue even being in the presence of such a revolting col age of human mastication, you can even add to it, But why?

Wall of Gum, Seattle Washington

Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris:

The cemetery itself is an eccentric place to visit full of interesting tombs, some of these are creepy. One such tomb is that of a 19th century journalist named Victor Noir, who was shot dead on the street following an argument with Pierre Bonaparte. A statue on top of the tomb portrays the journalist as if he had just fallen with his hat falling out of his hand. Over time, the statue ,with it's bulging crotch area, has somehow become a symbol for fertility. Myth has it, that kissing the statue on the lips, placing a rose in the hat, and rubbing the groin area guarantees fertility and a happy sex life, Placing a rose in the hat alone could bring a husband within a year. Those said areas on statue visibly demonstrate the thousands of women whom believed in the myth overtime, as the patina has been rubbed off shiney.

Tai Chi Class
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